
We produce distinctive, collaborative, and intersectional research in the form of articles, books, edited volumes, symposia, conferences, psychometric scales, and metric indicators. Our network is global, as are our concerns. Our research takes seriously a systems and design-thinking approach with the whole human in mind.

The Princeton Faith & Work Initiative generates intellectual frameworks and practical resources for students and leaders. At any given time, there is a mix of short-term and long-term research projects being undertaken by the Initiative.

The researchers at FWI are currently exploring several different avenues of research into values-based leadership, ethics, and professional responsibility, as well as questions around religion and workplace.  

Most recently, David W. Miller has completed a new book, with Susan Richardson, based on the highly successful course he has developed and taught at Princeton since 2008, EGR/ENT/REL219 “Professional Responsibility and Ethics: Succeeding without Selling Your Soul.” Tentatively titled The Five Elements of Ethical Thinking: Succeeding Without Selling Your Soul, it is currently under contract with Princeton University Press and due to be published around Fall 2025. He is also currently completing the second revised and updated edition of his 2006 book God at Work: The History and Promise of the Faith at Work Movement with Oxford University Press. 

This year, Michael J. Thate gave an invited lecture, titled “Deception in Calvin’s Humanism and AI Systems,” at the Humanism and AI conference held at the Center for Science and Thought at the University of Bonn. He also lectured at the Corvinus Institute of Advanced Studies in Budapest Hungary. His talk, "The Economics and Pedagogy of Character Skills," outlined the history of population growth and energy consumption.

In "The Ethics of Organizational Change," David and Michael continue their leading role in creating models for organizational strategy that are both realistic and transformative, especially in light of the cultural and societal factors impacting us all. Here, they propose innovative methodology that accomplishes and measures such change, coordinating the interests of actors both within and outside of an organization. You can hear an interview with David about the study, on a podcast episode of the series "Spectator Briefings."

Their work also appears in the newly released The Spirit of Conscious Capitalism: Contributions of World Religions and Spiritualities, part of the book series "Ethical Economy: Studies in Economic Ethics and Philosophy" (Switzerland: Springer). Michael's article is "Can Capitalism Be Conscious of Anything But Itself? Gnosticism, Attention, and Persuasive Technologies," and David and Michael co-authored “The Responsible Leader.”