Dr. Faith Wambura Ngunjiri has been collaborating with Dr. Dennis LoRusso and Dr. David Miller on the Sky Pilot research project and related articles as well as a pending book about workplace chaplaincy.
A native of Kenya, Dr. Ngunjiri has lived in the U.S. since 2003. She is an Associate Professor of Ethics at Concordia College. She has a doctorate in Leadership Studies from Bowling Green State University (2006) and worked at the Yale Center for Faith and Culture, in the Ethics and Spirituality in the Workplace program, and at Eastern University before joining Concordia College and being appointed the Director of the Lorentzsen Center for Faith and Work.
She is interested in the intersections of faith/spirituality and work/leadership as a research focus. One of her primary research interests is women and leadership where she explores African women leaders, African American clergywomen, and minority women leaders in higher education using tempered radicalism, servant leadership and spirituality as conceptual frameworks. She is also interested in studying women as global leaders. Her work has been published in Journal of Research Practice; Journal of Business Communication; Jenda: A Journal of Culture and African Women Studies; International and Intercultural Communication Annual; and Gendered Perspectives in International Development. Her first book titled Women’s Spiritual Leadership in Africa: Tempered Radicals and Critical Servant Leaders was published by Suny Press (2010).