The Princeton Bioethics Exchange officially launched with gatherings hosted by Prof. David W. Miller and co-moderated with Penelope Georges, Ph.D., from Princeton’s Council on Science and Technology.
In September 2022, Prof. Cliff Brangwynne, director of the Princeton Omenn-Darling Bioengineering Institute (ODI), invited David to host a small lunch with Jodi Halpern, speaker at PBI’s inaugural Gilbert S. Omenn and Martha A. Darling Lecture in Ethics and Policy in Bioengineering, and some of his students. Based on student interest, that led to the launch of the Princeton Bioethics Exchange (PBE). Its goal is to provide a forum for interdisciplinary discussion around ethical awareness, reflection, and practical resources for Ph.D. candidates across the university.
On December 8, in conjunction with Penelope, David hosted a lunch/discussion “Uncertainty in Genetics: Prime Editing & Polygenicity,” headed by speaker/discussion leader Ezra Levy, Ph.D. candidate in Molecular Biology. The next BPE discussion in February 2023 was entitled “Should research that could potentially enable bioterrorism be made openly accessible?” with speaker/discussion leader, Madeleine Chalifoux, a Ph.D. student in Chemical and Biological Engineering.
The March 29 PBE discussion is entitled, “Food or fuel? How land and resources should be distributed between food production and (bio)fuels production.” The May 10 discussion was entitled "Human Augmentation and Enhancement," with Princeton Ph.D. student Jeffrey Lee. Stay tuned for Fall 2023 offerings.
For information on upcoming gatherings and topics, please contact Ezra Levy and Maddie Chalifoux or Susan Richardson. Pre-registration is required for lunch planning.
The Princeton Bioethics Exchange is co-sponsored by Council on Science and Technology (CST), Princeton Omenn-Darling Bioengineering Institute (ODI), the Princeton Faith & Work Initiative (FWI), the University Center for Human Values, and GradFUTURES.