Teaching and Mentoring 2022: EGR219, EGR 501A, and Grad Futures

Dec. 23, 2022

Spring 2022 saw teaching/mentoring success in two classes. David taught the undergraduate EGR219 course on Professional Responsibility and Ethics, affectionately subtitled by students as "Succeeding without Selling Your Soul," which has also been approved by the School for Public and International Affairs (SPIA) as counting toward the undergraduate ethics requirement. And for the first time, David and Michael Thate taught the required graduate course in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences "Responsible Conduct in Research and Engineering Ethics" (EGR501A). One of several compelling guests was Tyler Shultz (pictured zooming into the class above), one of the key whistleblowers in the Theranos case

In another mentoring experience, in August 2022, the team from Princeton’s Grad Futures--a program that helps graduates become more familiar with basic principles of leadership, financial leadership, and professional responsibility--invited David to speak on professional responsibility and ethics.