
Work Study Opportunities

Throughout the academic year, various work-study opportunities arise. We are currently hiring for:

- Students interested in video recording and editing, social media management, and general office and computing work. Princeton University students please contact Susan Richardson for more information.


Professor Miller informally serves as a mentor and advisor to undergraduate students on academic matters, career planning and interviewing as well as other dimensions of life.

Thesis Supervision

Professor Miller is available to undergraduate students as a Senior Thesis Advisor or Second Reader, with appropriate departmental approvals. Contact Professor Miller at: [email protected]

Michael Thate is available to undergraduate students as a Senior Thesis Advisor or Second Reader, with appropriate departmental approvals. Contact Michael at: [email protected]

Entrepreneurship Certificate Advisor

Professor Miller is available to Entrepreneurship Certificate students as an advisor.

Desert Island Reads

We at FWI are committed readers across a range of disciplines. We frequently pass along reading recommendations with one another on a wide range of topics and genres. In this section, we list our Desert Island Reads—our DIRs. That is, if we were stranded on a desert island, what five books would we bring with us—excluding An Idiot’s Guide to Getting Off a Desert Island? You can assume you discover a copy of the Hebrew Bible, the Christian Bible, the Koran, and other religious texts deemed authoritative.

  • David’s Miller's DIRs: 
  1. Moby Dick, Herman Melville
  2. Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman
  3. Letters & Papers from Prison, Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  4. A Midnight Clear, William Wharton
  5. The Fourth Great Awakening and the Future of Egalitarianism, Robert William Fogel
  6. A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr., edited James Washington
  • Michael Thate's DIRs: 
  1. Poems, Rumi
  2. Spell of the Sensuous, David Abram
  3. Varieties of Religious Experience, William James
  4. Poems, Audre Lorde
  5. Pensées, Pascal
  6. The Man without Qualities, Robert Musil
  7. Ancient Astrology: Theory and Practice, Firmicus Maternus